No you should be the better man and turn the other cheek!
But lets be real. What do you gals and garth think?
I remember some heated discussion in the studio about this subject!
Should men and women be seen as completely equal in everything they do? Are we fighting genetics?
Does absolute equality mean no holding open doors for lady's and placing cloaks in puddles?! Is chivalry sexist? To both genders?
I don't think chivalry is sexist much. I get just as hacked off with girls when they let doors slam in my face as I do with guys.
But it does beg the question of equality when certain things are expected of different genders.
As usual 'society' gets in the way. Surely its personal preference if your partner wants to buy you flowers or walk with you on the inside of the pavement. They shouldn't feel obliged should they because of your sex? Expectations of gender should be personal to you. But of course they're not because we are all part of that society. Its such a difficult argument to side on! aggghh!
We have to have these divisions to make sense of each other and the world. Its just some could be less...sexist!
What do you guys think? Can you explain your thoughts and feeling any better than me? Girl on boy fighting?
Well i think they should ? we have fought for so long for equal rights yet when it comes to this we say men shouldnt hit back ? my opinion is if a girl is big enough to hit someone then they should be big enough to take a hit back ?
ReplyDeleteI understand if it's in self defence because some girls will be bigger than boys and vice versa. Where I draw the line is when the female is half the size or doesn't have equal strength to the male and they are being completely battered because this is an unfair fight. I think any girl who decides to get into a fight with a fella should have the 'balls' to be unafraid of them hitting back.
ReplyDeleteI think this should relate back to sport. Women and men are continually separated in every area of sport. If we are able to hit one another, why can't we compete against one another?
It's a double edged matter what we say there will always be a feeling of unease when it comes to a man hitting a woman. Where I get the most annoyed is when domestic violence against men is barely recognised. Just because a man is considered strong doesn't mean he can't be weak.
yeah you can look at it this way aswell, a man who is abused by a female is not always going to come foward and tell someone because they are ment to be 'strong' and play the more dominant role ? But also if you have seen on tv about men getting raped? its not so commonly heard but i bet it happens just as much to men as it does to women, a man i think feels the need to be more 'i can stick up for myself' kinda guy than to go and report it and i think they would be too embarrised to aswell?