Watched this show last night.
Was pretty scary how much women are discriminated in football, considering how far females have come.
I know discrimination works both ways, but it feels to me that women have a lot to prove to be taken as seriously or be treated equally to men.
Some of the stories are shocking! How do you think females should deal with discrimination today? Should we grin and bare it or stand up and be accounted for?
'The fact that a lot of women we wanted to talk to in this documentary did not want to take part for fear of looking like a whistle-blower tells you everything you need to know about how sensitive the subject of sexism in football is.'
ReplyDeleteI think that dealing with discrimination in a male dominated environment will always be a tricky one. Nobody will want to rock the boat for fear of loosing respect and antagonising their male peers. Its as if having and acting on feminist views increases gender tensions and discrimination widening gender gaps and reinforcing negative stereotypes.
Women are concerned about the ramifications; 'Nobody wants to be the girl who told a story and will never work in football again.'
Perhaps a head on approach is too crude and archaic these days at least in the sense of suffragette style action. Being a feminist has its own negative stereotypes.
There are already women in high ranking jobs in the industry and I think from that alone things will become more equal given time.
I'm not saying grin and bare it but I think taking a negative stance against how male dominated the sport is wont necessarily help but aggravate the situation. Its a very sensitive area and thus needs to be treated with care. Documentaries like these are brilliant eye openers and discussion starters.